Are you having a bad day? Well, we can’t do much about it (sorry bro), but we can surely give you a good laugh so that your pathetic day become not so bad! What is more comforting in life than going through a bunch of family photos, so these funny people thought why not give family photos a hilarious touch too? And so they did, it will make you laugh, I’m sure!
recreated family pictures
And here is one of the masterpieces! These people have tried their best to recreate the fun and clumsiness in their childhood pictures! And well the dad looks super even at this age but the kids; they seem like a gone case! The funniest thing in this photograph is the shirts of these guys!
funny childhood photos recreated
In this picture, all of the kids except the one guy sitting in the front and the girl at the back seem to have lost it! Like they don’t even know half of the time what’s been going on! Well, let’s just hope that isn’t the case till today because that will cause them a lot of problems!
recreated pictures
Now this is the most adorable picture in the entire collection! These two look just so cute with those scary faces and just see the recreated picture because it looks the same as it is captured years before! I can’t help but just to fall in love with this cute ones!
funny family photos then and now
This girl got the look going on her face, You know when the duty calls, and hilariously it seems like that she has got the call of duty! Well, sweetheart, if you have been doing this from childhood then I don’t think, so there’s any way you are getting away from it!
then vs now drunk girls
I love these kinds of pictures! When you get a pet, and you are a little kid, you share every little moment with him! Could there be any other way to tell how much you love your furry friend? The dog looks so happy, and it is evident here that who is most photogenic!
childhoood pictures recreated
Well oh well! What could be stronger and yet funnier than the bond of brotherhood? No matter how much you hated them in your entire childhood, but when they grow up they are your best friend who shares so many memories with you and those are the people who you can proudly call ‘my boys’!
brothers recreate childhood
Okaaayy! And this is quite strange for me because I don’t get that why the dad and the boys are still hooked up on the cement floor! What is so special in it? We do get it boys that you must have made it with your hands but still it’s time to move on!
hilarious family pictures
And this is a good one, right? One of the brothers seems like he has made some mischief and now he is hiding that with his mischievous smile, but the other one looks like he is living in his world and doesn’t even care what is going on around him! Now that’s the perfect way to live!
childhood photos recreated
It is the perfect picture to describe that how the older ones grow old and then the younger ones are there to care for them! This photograph will certainly make you feel that time flies so fast, and the parents who look after you then become dependent on you! Well, we can say that’s the magic of life!
family photos then and now
And the girls party isn’t going to stop anytime soon! This picture will make you recall all your childhood girlfriends with whom you used to have the most fun time of your life! Dressing up together, drooling over your crushes, getting ready for prom together!
Then and Now Photos
I don’t know why but these two look so miserable! It’s like the Superman has got tired of his super powers and now he just can’t handle it anymore! And wants to live a happy, healthy life! Hmm.. I thought superheroes costumes used to make children happy, but nothing works for these guys…
then and now family
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