How To Add Google Analytics Tracking ID To Blogger | Teach Bloggers

Google Analytics is a platform created with a purpose of helping us to track the number of visits & page views on your blogger. you need to add your blogger home page to your analytics account just like you add any other sites or domain to google analytics, then you insert Google Analytics tracking code to your blogger account, which also uses several filters to check exactly from where the visitors are coming via standard or custom reports.

Google analytics is the leading free tools that has a good relationship with internet marketing & offers suggest & improvements or benefits for our site..
Since both the blogging & analytics service are powered by Google, Blogger offers good support to the analytics...

As Analytics is part of variety of Google tools like blogger, many bloggers still don't know it is possible to add tracking code in blogger. implemeting Analytics in blogger is very quick and easy, so you do not need to experts or web developers. Here is a small guide for placing the google analytics tracking code (ID) on our blogger..

Implementing Google Analytics on Blog:

1). Do you've a Google Analytics Account?? Then it is perfect. if you do not have one to get register..

2). With in the account, we will go to Admin and in the property column, (click the menu),,,then (click create new property), where we enter the info from the site...

How To Add Google Analytics Tracking ID To Blogger | Teach Bloggers

3). Click On (Get Tracking ID) & it'll provide a box with code select & copy the code...

How To Add Google Analytics Tracking ID To Blogger | Teach Bloggers

4). Now lets go our blog account..

5). Look for your blogger adn click it, then go to (Templete) click the edit HTML button paste there code previos generate in Analytics before the </head> tag >>CTRL F<< to find it..& this would be the entire procedure, within about 24 hour's, we shall see the first statics of our blogger in Google Analytics 
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