1. Jennifer Love Hewitt


We’ve found 50 celebrities that have gone through mind-boggling transformations. You can hardly recognize them in their before and after photos. Enjoy and be inspired by these incredible transformations.

  2. Jonah Hill


Jonah was proactive in changing his eating habits.

Jonah hill hired a nutritionist who directed and guided him to eating the right foods. He now eats fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
He also has started eating more sushi and eliminated alcohol from his diet.

3. Jennifer Hudson


Jennifer Hudson throws food across the room!

“I don’t let the food intimidate me. If it’s too much, I just get rid of it, but I make sure to watch what I put in my body. And I make sure I know what it is. It’s all about portions for the most part. I don’t work out a lot, but I do like to be active.”
She doesn’t smoke but chocolate used to help keep her calm. She now doesn’t allow them to put food in her dressing room and lost 80 pounds as a Weight Watchers spokeswoman.

4. Nicole Richie


Party girl is now a wife, mother and fashion star.

Now that she is a devoted mother and a bonafide businesswoman, she is taking much better care of herself.

5. Kelly Osbourne


Lost 70 pounds and is planning on staying healthy.

“I’m the most secure and content I’ve ever been,” Kelly said. “Though I’m still very self-deprecating: I look in the mirror sometimes and I feel like going back to bed. Everyone has good days, everyone has bad days.”
She uses the Hoopnotica hula hoop every day, and works out regularly.

6. Chaz Bono


Lost 85 pounds and changed genders.

He has cut out 99% of grains and dairy from his diet. “I pretty much eat vegetables, meat, fruit, nuts . . . My birthday is the one day of the year I’ll do cake.” He went from 250 pounds to 165 in only a few years.

7. Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi


After having her first child, she has become thinner than ever.

“Even though I want to be healthy for myself and it feels great to be healthy, I mainly want to do it for my kids,” Polizzi said. “I just really want to be a fit mom. I want to be able to keep up with them, run after them.”
She works out daily for 45-minutes or an hour every day when her crazy schedule allows her. She is also loading up on pre-packaged meals with lean protein and vegetables.

8. Perez Hilton


Queen of Media lost weight with an entire team on his side.

” Like so many people, I have struggled with my weight throughout my entire life. Thankfully though, at the beginning of 2008, I made a commitment to my health and I have stuck to it. Nearly four years later and I am in the best shape of my life! I’ve lost more than 70 pounds and I’ve worked for it. I’ve done it the old-fashioned way, slow and steady, by eating healthily and exercising regularly. And I feel wonderful!”
He works out seven days a week, does pilates, and yoga. he also gives his readers access to the team that helped him lose weight on his website.

9. Christina Aguilera


Christina Aguilera lost 45 pounds and looks amazing.

Some rumors spread that she lost all her weight from liposuction but she wanted to set the record straight that it was all just hard work. She starts her day off with a balanced breakfast of blueberries, avocado, turkey bacon. She snacked on celery and almond butter and goes for lean chicken breast and veggies for lunch.

10. Drew Carey


Drew Carey lost 100 pounds before he started hosting The Price Is Right.

“I’m eating better, taking better care of myself. When I was doing [The Drew Carey Show], I was eating a lot of garbage, I was drinking a lot, so I had a lot of mood swings. I had diabetes.”
Drew Carey cut out a lot of alcohol which he admits was part of his success. He started reading self-help books like Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer.

11. Jessica Simpson


After her pregnancy, she decided to cut down on her weight for her wedding.

Most of her weight loss came from her Weight Watchers diet. She was also doing the Five Factor Diet, which had her eating five small meals six days a week and 25-minute workouts.

12. Seth Rogen


Seth Rogen lost 30 pounds with the Five Factor Diet.

No more than five minutes should be spent preparing for each meal. This helps get Rogen to eat a diet much closer to raw, which is always better.

13. Jordin Sparks


Jordin lost 50 pounds in only a yeah and a half.

“The key was finding exercises I enjoyed. If you don’t, you won’t stick with it.” Jordan Sparks was eating healthier meals and simply cutting back on some of the foods that she knew was bad for her. She also got in touch with a personal trainer who would help her find the workouts that could help her the most.

14. Jason Segel


“I’ve just been living healthy, exercising, eating right — no more midnight pizzas.”

Jason Segel wanted to make sure that when he took his shirt off, it wouldn’t be funny anymore.


15. Mo’nique


Shed 80 pounds and kept it off.

When people started noticing her dramatic changes they kept asking her what her secret was. “People always say, ‘Mo’Nique, what motivates you?’ I had to do it for my husband and my children. And I had to get out of my own way.”

16. Josh Peck


Chose not to do surgery to fix his overweight problem.

Peck got a personal trainer and a nutritionists to help him with his eating routine. He started out with walks, running and cardio workouts as well as watched his calorie intake. Instead of soda he got freshley squeezed vegetable saps and fruits.


17. Miranda Lambert


Unlike other married couples, she lost weight while she was married.

She lost 45 pounds since 2012. “When you have to walk out there in front of thousands of people, it does feel good to know that your [expletive] not jiggling,” Lambert told Marie Claire. “I’m just like anybody else, insecure and scared of looking bad or being criticized.”

18. Peter Jackson


After being tired of being overweight and unfit, he started a personal diet and exercise regimen.

He lost 44 pounds while he was filming The Adventures of Tintin in 2010.

19. Tom Arnold


Tom Arnold lost 100 pounds because of his son.

“I’ve lost the most weight breaking my cardio up into two sessions anyway. My trainer MB Regan comes to the house and trains me three times a week for an hour. Or 30 minutes, if that’s all I have, but those are 30 intense minutes.”
He did this all to help make sure he was going to be there for his son.

20. Janet Jackson

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Janet Jackson found her weight loss with NutriSystem.

“We can all lose weight, but learning how to keep it off — maintaining it — is what’s difficult. NutriSystem teaches you how to do that.”
She doesn’t deprive herself of the foods she loves, and she’s getting a lot more running into her daily routine to help keep the weight off.

21. Ricky Gervais


The comedian lost 40 pounds with his girlfriend.

He got into shape with his girlfriend Jane Fallon, who also lost weight.
“I didn’t eat differently. I probably just stopped having that second meal at 11:30 at night.”

22. Missy Elliott


Miss Elliot lost 71 pounds then another 30 pounds.

In 2002, she lost 71 pounds because she was warned by doctors about her weight. She switched to a healthy low-carb diet that limited the fried foods, breads, and sugars she had before.

23. Renee Zellweger


Amazing what plastic surgery can do to your face.

“I’m glad folks think I look different! I’m living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I’m thrilled that perhaps it shows.”
Renee Zellweger is happy with the changes and doesn’t mind what other people think of her.

24. Jerry Ferrara


Doctors used scare tactics to get him to lose weight.

“A friend’s wife, who is a nutritionist, drew up a simple diet. I followed it for three days, then had a meltdown and almost gave up,” Ferrara told insiders. “I started again and then had a 20-day streak. Then I gave up again. I got another 20 days and this time it stuck.”
He lost more than 40 pounds in 10 months.

25. Khloe Kardashian


Dropped 30 pounds with her trainer at the gym.

After hitting the gym three times a week, she does everything from strength sessions, boxing circuits, and medicine-ball workouts.

26. Timbaland


Hard work pays off from Timbaland.

“This past eight months I’ve lost over 130 pounds. With a positive mindset I knew I had to take the initiative to make myself happy and healthy. When you realize that the only thing that is getting in the way of your goal is self doubt you’ll want to push yourself harder. You got to do this for you. This is for you. This isn’t about anybody. Live for you. Honor you. Never lose sight of that.”

27. Kirstie Alley


Kirstie Alley has always had a problem with her weight, but this time it’s different.

In 2014 she made a resolution to herself to lose 30 pounds, today she is 50 pounds lighter.
“I have an easy time gaining weight, and I actually have an easy time losing weight.”

28. Alec Baldwin


TV Superstar cleans up nicely.

Alec Baldwin is one of the biggest stars on television, and knows how to clean himself up easily.