The funny thing about weddings… When that day comes, everyone is trying to be the one that will be remembered as “The one that spiced up the big day!”. However, the down side of that is the fact that not all folks have the same sense of humor… Luckily for us, nowadays everything, and I mean literally EVERYTHING is either filmed or immortalized in photos! For some, these photos will stick around them as a bad reminder of what not to do in the future… While for the rest of us, well, we will just have a laugh! Don’t miss out on 40 plus, and a few more Annoyingly Awkward Wedding Photos!
We are not sure if the maie of honor is an adult movie star or not, but that is one serious deep-throating moment they have there! At first it looks like an optical illusion, but, it actually isn’t… Weird!
It is quite easy to understand why the photographer is out of focus and the bride is blurry… He is actually very focused on someone.. Or better say something! With a smile like that, and the twins like THAT… Who even sees the bride??
For this one we were not sure if we should be sad or annoyed… Well, anyway, we wish them a happy life together and plenty of puppies, or kittens?
They told her that all eyes will be on her… She gave it all she’s got definitely! More than most of us can handle…
“And that is how we met… In a line for a quadruple cheeseburger…” Aww, that was a romantic day at the McWeddings “chapel” in West Virginia.
We just wonder which wedding photos will they show to their kids? Or even grandchildren… But since that day the most photographed person will be, the Bride, wearing this! … Our guess is that it will be “Eeeww!! I can see grandma’s boobies!”
We are not pretty sure what is going on on this photo, but judging by the place where this wedding was held, and the radiator pipes around them… Girl, you are lucky that he didn’t go all handcuffs and 50 shades of gray on you…
She is proud of her heritage! But someone needs to tell their wedding planner that The Confederacy is over…
Not sure if this was a real wedding or did she plan to get married to Allen Iverson?? Guess no one told him about it…
Okay… By the standards of “having manners”, this might be seen as an inappropriate wedding outfit… With that being said… This is the sexiest and coolest Made of Honor dresses we have ever seen! She is smoking hot!
At the beginning of the wedding… 5 hours later! They might have had a bit too much wine…