Bucking Bronco

Beautiful as they may be, cheerleaders are not perfect. They don’t always make mistakes, but when they do, they tend to be pretty over the top and entertaining ones. We’ve collected quite a few of them here for you so enjoy!

Push-ups Anyone?

If You have never heard of the USC (University Of Southern California) Song Girls, look them up. Their old school cheer outfits along with their outgoing nature makes them one of the most entertaining dance/cheer groups in college athletics.

Team Pose

These energetic cheerleaders are looking to have some fun while they wait for the game to start. I’m sure the game attendees enjoyed cheering with these ladies, they look like an entertaining bunch.

Awkward Cheer Lift

It is really hard not to giggle at this perfectly timed cheer routine photo. Is this what they are supposed to be doing to accomplish whatever lift they are attempting? It seems a bit awkward especially for the girl being lifted.

Taking One For The Team

This may be the best perfectly timed cheerleader photo on all time. This girl is a trooper, she took one for the team and didn’t even blink. With blood running down her face she is able to continue the routine and even hold up one of her fellow cheerleaders.

What Are They Doing Back There?

Can you guess which cheerleader is the photographers favorite? This guy literally zoomed in on her “assets” for the perfect photo. Well, Confucius said it best: Photographer who keeps staring at breasts racks focus.  
But on a real note, what are the girls in the back doing? They look super un-syncopated, everyone is doing a different move pretty much.

Not-So Mellow Yellow

While not a fail, this photo is definitely deserving of a space on this post. Whoever designed these uniforms is a god among men. Same goes for the guy that took the photo.

The One Straight Cheeleader

Here is another classically timed photo showing the awkward hand placements that go on during a cheer routine. If this guy is into girls he must love his job. How can this be comfortable for the girl being lifted?

Ultimate Faceplant

This photographer’s timing literally could not have been better. How they got this shot is beyond me, but this girl is going to have a sore neck for weeks. Maybe she is just not cut out for this type of thing.

Hating Life

Not much needs to said about this perfectly timed gem. This guy must be hating his life right about now, he got partnered with the wrong female. She seems a bit heavy for his liking. I wonder what their next move is from here? My guess is a straight backwards fall to the hardwood court, smacking her head hard on the ground.