Announcing that you have a baby on its way is just so exciting and especially when you don’t have to give birth to the baby! And usually, people put all their efforts to make it more and more creative so that everyone knows how happy you are! Gone are the days when you can say that you’re having a baby in the easiest way. So here are a bunch of le$bians who are deep in love, and they have touched down some other level of creativity! You can take so many ideas from them! Now look at this couple which is all about the bun and the oven! You know sometimes it is hard to decide who is the bun and who is the oven?
pregnancy pictures
These are the people who just like to say things straight! They are not the kind who would make you go hundreds of puzzle and then will tell you that they are having a baby! So these lovely people decided that they will tell it straight away that they are having a baby which will be a beautiful addition to their family! Now, what could be clearer than this?
funny sunglasses
And then we meet the planners! You know I have always loved people who have everything planned. Like they know what to do with everything and that goes the same when they are having the baby! They have everything sorted out and planned so not even a little thing goes missing when they have their little angel in their arms! So those of you who are soon to become parents should take tips from them, this can also be a pregnancy announcement card!
baby announcement ideas
What could be greater than having to know when you are going to pop! So they know it, and they couldn’t be happier than this! Because just look at them, they are celebrating this day so you can imagine that what they would do once they have their baby! These two even have the picture of their sonogram. I’m sure many of you can relate to this because expected mothers usually go crazy over their sonogram pictures! Likewise, these two are also flaunting it all!
pregnancy announcement pictures
They are keeping the facts straight here because you never know when it could be useful! It is just so funny… At one end they are showing off their hilarious side and at the other they are showing the irony of nature! So yeah, you can say that these have it all! A little sense of humor and a baby bump is all an expected mother need to carry on with her life because being pregnant is not an easy job at all!
funny pregnancy announcements
So those of you who have seen ‘Friends’ can think of how difficult it was for Ross and Rachel to decide their baby name! But isn’t that relief when you know the gender of your baby and not just that but also you have chosen the names of your little ones! Now you are just waiting down here so that a big birdie could come and drop you baby in the cradle! It is also a good idea to let everyone know that you’re having a baby, it’s simple and yet very classy!
family surrogacy
And this couple is showing that they do not only know the arrival date but has done a lot of shopping for the baby! People who have children know that how pleasant it is to shop for your child! With the little shoes and the tiny clothes! You can’t help it but just to put every product in your cart! One of the happiness to become new parents!
new footwear
Don’t they make you feel like they are the most adorable couple of all time! I mean look how they are holding each other, showing off to the world that how much love they have, and now a baby is coming to make the bond stronger! I just can’t help but adore them! They certainly make the cutest and the perfect couple!
pregnancy life cycle