When you look at the monkey in the Brazilian football shirt hugging the girl you think this picture got pretty damn cute, right? Wait until you realize there’s more happening in this picture to the left. Yes, it’s more the laugh coming from that second monkeys face that takes the cake in this picture. I think he really found it funny how his monkey buddy is going after the fun bags.
Some people say that we are directly related to the monkey and even have evolved from the monkey. While it can seem a bit hard to believe when looking at the obvious differences on the skin, there are other times when you can see the relationship between the two primates. Here is one monkey which we could imagine would be what every man wanted to do, but just didn’t have the courage to actually do it.

Who knew that falling down from a diving board would generate quite this much speed? Maybe it’s the double tuck semi-Mc-twist hyper belly flopping somersault roll that did it. Anyway, after you get over looking at this guy’s body position, start thinking about him rotating really fast in the air and then look up at his cheeks It gets really funny and fast.

Who knew that falling down from a diving board would generate quite this much speed? Maybe it’s the double tuck semi-Mc-twist hyper belly flopping somersault roll that did it. Anyway, after you get over looking at this guy’s body position, start thinking about him rotating really fast in the air and then look up at his cheeks It gets really funny and fast.

They say that ice skating is one of the more gracious sports in the world. They really do an amazing job at keeping their composure when skating. I have very little interest in watching ice skating in general, but I always do watch it when it’s on in the Olympics because it’s captivating in a very strange way. That same kind of graciousness is written all over this ladies face. How many other people do you know who could have their heads way down there and in that location and still have such a gracious face on?

So you like to eat hot dogs and the hot dogs in the town where you live aren’t half bad. So you walk down the street and there’s this guy who is throwing hot dogs in the air. You act calm and try to catch one in your mouth. There is a crowd of roughly 350 people watching and it misses wide left off your cheek. What’s more, your revolting looking tongue and mustard on the side of your face have left you looking stupid. What will you do now?

We’ve already known you one figure skating woman who somehow kept a gracious face during an awkward position. Now it’s time to show you the ultimate gracious face during an awkward position. In fact, this woman’s position is so remarkable that we don’t actually know where her head has gone to? We’re pretty sure it might just have fallen on the ice. Luckily that ice will help preserve it for later.

I was watching a show on TV the other day and they were saying that the Queen actually puts weights in the bottom of her dresses so they keep it down at all times so she would never be caught out during a moment like this. Of all times when a skirt rises too high, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl react quite the same as this.
They even enjoy it when it’s a man dominating them, but they have to really like the man. I know these things because I have lots of girlfriends who tell me these things. OK, I really don’t and they just occur in my dreams. Here is one girl who is sun bathing with her eyes closes, which is preventing her from being able to see what’s about to take place to her face. If only we had another few pictures to show us what happened next!

It’s not every day you get to see a good old fashioned sled race–it’s certainly not every day you see a middle-aged woman racing down a snow hill on a sled and going over some decent-sized jumps. We are going to assume that this is an organised event due to two main things: the crowd that’s in the background and also the fact that it would usually take a lot of effort to get a woman of that description on a sled.

I’ve spent the first 20 odd years of my life with a board under my arm and I know a lot of oceans friends–many of whom would be familiar with this site. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason we tend to get a lot of water built up around the roads leading to beaches various locations around the water. I guess most of it can be attributed to the fact that we don’t have good roads around the beaches and if we did the drainage in this area would potentially lead to there being no puddle there at all .

You might be familiar with the phrase when somebody needs to pull their head out of their behinds. Well, the phrase is now extended to pull other peoples heads out of your behind. There is always something worth watching when you hit the local yoga class. It would appear this yoga session is going down at a local camping ground or a concert, but it still appears to be yoga nonetheless. Make sure you check out the woman in the top right checking out the action before you click the next button.

Perhaps this image  above is directly related to the image below where they are both at the same camping grounds. I’ve been to a few music festivals that lasted for several days and camped out with my buddies. It’s always a good time so long as you remember to take enough clothing and other assortments. Hopefully the woman in this picture who is about to get covered it what looks like coffee has another top and a pair of pants–and also isn’t too far away from the tent at the minute. It could be a long day for her otherwise.

It’s hard enough to get a photo of a fish when you are under water let alone get a photo of a man fish. OK, this this likely isn’t a real man fish, but they’ve managed to time it well enough to get both man–or woman– and the fish together on the screen and we think that’s pretty magical.

Here we have some clever photographer that may or may not have been done on purpose. Assuming it wasn’t done on purpose, then this person would’ve been very pleased with the shot that they got after checking out the picture from the camera roll when they got back to the apartment.

It’s true: jumping out of planes isn’t for everybody. Jumping over them isn’t advised either. But how about if we could find a place in the world where it was possible to jump over a plane when it flies past in the sky! The picture might not look physically impressive–we all know the odd guy who can do a back flip right? But the originality in the picture coupled with the uniqueness of the place makes this a special photo.

Whenever I see somebody fishing in lakes I always think back to the start of the Disturbia movie because I enjoyed that movie. Granted, they were fly fishing and not catching large salmon, but the countryside looks like a similar part of the world. I don’t know exactly where this kind of land is in the United States–I would have assumed North West-ish. However, I do know they have large bears on the other side of the United States too, up state New York and so forth. Anyway, moral of the story: if you are catching salmon in waters where there are bears around, you probably do not want to hold that giant salmon in the air for too long without looking over your shoulder.

I usually take some time out of my busy schedule to watch some Champions League soccer, but I don’t get into the standard leagues in Europe very much. I know the teams fairly well from playing enough FIFA and Pro Evolution games. I think this looks like the local derby between Manchester City and Manchester United–back when City weren’t that good. That might have been the reason for this Manchester City players attack. Hopefully it’s not quite as bad as it looks from our angle.

There is only one thing worse than falling back into a waterfall and that is falling back into a waterfall during Winter. We think by the looks of the clothing these two people are wearing that it is not the middle of Winter–and that’s a wonderful thing.
