Some incidents happen in our lives which tend to change us completely because as they say not every pain is meant to hurt you. Sometimes it is to make you a better person! This is the story of a brave woman who had to suffer some unbearable pain which caused her to be isolated and completely shut off from the world! Until one day she got up and changed her life completely!
wedding pictures

Justine McCabe got the shock of her life when she saw her dead husband lying in front of her eyes! Justine husband committed suicide which made her feel terrified of her life and everything that was around her! Justine felt like her life ended there, she is a mother of two, but she just couldn’t help but be coaxed! Her husband, John Paul suicide was followed by her mother loss which is too much to handle!
obese woman

Justine spent the next three months mourning for her husband and her miserable life! But you know the people who love you can’t see you in a bad position, and similarly, Justine friends and family were very concerned about her, and they thought that why not tell Justine to start exercising. It will keep her busy and will also lift her spirit! So as Justine start doing the gym, she took a picture of herself on the first day!
over weight female

That was the time when Justine realized that she was overweight being 313 pounds! She completely stopped taking care of herself because of the great loss she incurred. Justine was eating all kinds of junk food and was at home doing nothing which made her this much fat! But going to the gym made her feel so good about herself and since she wanted something to off her mind and that’s why she was continuously exercising!
fat woman taking mirror selfie

The most amazing thing she did was she was documenting all those gym sessions of her by snapping a picture of herself, standing in front of the mirror. She did that for a year! What kept her going each day was a new transformation for her; she started to believe that she still can do something useful with her life! She was tracking her weight loss and how much she is progressing!
exercise to lose wight

She said, “It was worsened because my mom had died not long before, too. Having a loved one commit suicide and being in the aftermath of that is one of the most fearful, awful things you can go through,” the entire transformation phase wasn’t just about losing weight, but it was more of to face the fears and tackling away from all the trauma!
widow mom at gym

She started taking the pictures when she was still in the mourning phase which Justine remembers the time when she was so broken and lost! She didn’t even know what was going around! It was a very horrible period for her! The mother of two was afraid of heights, so she tried to make those fears go away too by doing parasailing, skydiving, and cliff jumping.
mom mirror selfie

She said that at the time when her husband committed suicide, it made her felt that now she can’t go on with her life anymore! But then she realized that if she could survive without her mom and her husband so she needs to push all the boundaries and face her fears so that she could be proud of herself!
sad quotes

She kept pushing herself until she becomes what she wanted to do! Justin lost 124 pounds, and now she weighs only 180 lbs! You can see her transformation in those hundreds of selfies she took!
mom before and after of losing weight

If this doesn’t inspire you, then I don’t know what it is, because this woman is a living inspiration for all of us! She didn’t only came out and faced her fears but also managed to become a more confident and healthy person!
Justine McCabe