Usually, when you have heard the term ‘brea$tfeeding,’ you must have imagined a loving mother feeding her child so that the baby could have essential nourishment! And there’s nothing abnormal about it or unusual about it! It’s just the way how nature works! But in this story, something is not usual, and you will be shocked what this couple does! Because these two have ‘read’ somewhere that by doing what they are ‘doing’ will make their bond stronger and it will help in their relationship! So what’s the wait, let’s go and check out what they are up to!
woman feeding child

So meet Jennifer Mulford who has some very strange theories about increasing the intimacy in a relationship! (You might want to kill yourself after reading her views). She has left her job and now is jobless because she has to brea$tfeed her boyfriend! YESSS!! You have heard that right this couple has come up with this very statement which they have read somewhere that making your partner do such a thing will make the relationship stronger! She has made it to public and has announced on the social media that she is brea$tfeeding her builder boyfriend!
bodybuilder man with wife

Jennifer has been brea$tfeeding her 36-year-old boyfriend from quite a long time! According to sources, Jennifer said that she always wanted to start an ‘Adult Brea$tfeeding Relationship’ with someone! And now that Jeniffer has found her soul mate Brad Leeson, she is on it!
white couple

Jennifer has admitted that she has been going on sites like Craigslist to find someone who is open to practice such a thing, but obviously, people are sane, so she turned to her childhood sweetheart Brad! When they first tried it, she explained, ‘At that moment I knew that I had a partner for life… we both wanted the same thing out of the relationship – a magical bond that only brea$tfeeding can achieve.’
bodybuilder husband
Now coming to the big decision of Jennifer quitting her job which she did just to make sure that she brea$tfeed her boyfriend every two hours, which makes 12 hours a day! Her daughter is 20 years old so now she ‘dry’ brea$tfeed her bodybuilder boyfriend every two hours of lactation so that she can fool her body that she still has a baby! She says that she has left everything so that she can give time to this practice and make it work somehow!
woman showing her body

Jennifer revealed that she is also taking some herbal pills and flax seeds to her diet because she thinks that will increase and help in the milk supply! Brad is just so excited for all this because when he got to know the health benefits he was overwhelmed as he is a gym guy! She says that it also helps Brad in bed, and it doesn’t bother him to be an ‘alpha man’! Jennifer says that it is a very private thing for them, and they would never do it publically! (Thank god woman)
woman feeding husband

But still the couple shared this story on the Internet and now is facing significant consequences for it because people are slamming them for the entire act. Some of the people are saying that it’s false, and some are accusing the lady, $exualizing brea$tfeeding! One of the women said that it seems like a joke because this just can’t be real, how can someone do such stupid thing!
Jennifer Mulford